from crushed up bugs. consumers, particularly vegans, had complained about the use of animal products if various food and drinks. instead the coffee mega chain will use dye made from tomatoes. and that product is used in a lot of everyday things. we ve all ingested it so don t get too grossed out. here is your friday forecast. stormy in texas with golf ball-sized hail and 70-mile-an-hour winds from corpus christi to houston. rain from dallas to the ohio valley. mountain snow in the northern rockies. showers from billings to bismarck. thunderstorms in the southeast. pretty sunny and warm here in the northeast. 70 in boston. 73 in new york. 80s in miami and new orleans. 50s in chicago, seattle and kansas city. sizzling 95 in phoenix. i don t know about everybody else out there, but my sinuses and allergies started kicking in a week and a half ago. you suffer pretty bad. sore throat. clogged up. wondered why there was phlegm in my coffee cup. she s a lady.