so, again, i think it s a big hit as far as what s been promised. i know that we re writing signatures based on the code released or the snipets of code to, again, defend our networks and the clients we serve. leland: well, hopefully it s only the good nice doing that. i suspect not and obviously the issue of glorification of some of the leakers, chelsea manning among them, probably makes it harder and your job perhaps easier because of this. appreciate your time, sir, and your expertise. thanks, leland, appreciate it. laura: and still ahead, lawmakers are divided over the g.o.p. plan to replace obamacare. and some states are weighing in, too, saying the replacement could do more harm than good. and colorado governor john hickenlooper joins us to talk about how the new plan could impact his state. umbrellas!! you need one of these. you wouldn t put up with an umbrella that covers you part way,
and let s talk about young people. there s no group in america that s been hurt more by obamacare than young people. let s talk about basic stats. a recent study found that the obamacare mandates, what bernie just sang an ode to, have increased. the three costliest mandates have increased premiums for younger people by 44%. without those mandates the typical 21-year-old would pay $1100 a year less. if you re 21, think about whether it would be easier to afford healthcare if it cost $1100 a year less and let s talk about some specifics. before obamacare, the most affordable plan that was available for a 30-year-old texan, for a 30-year-old texan woman was $470 a year. today under obamacare, the cheapest plan that s available for a healthy 30-year-old woman in ft. worth is $3,236.
right there. real ney. i m going to show you what happened. plus, i got a teenager s ode to somebody that you probably never heard an ode to. ng up.ur ultimate relaxatio