m my grandsonon s name isis . c come here t to me. cocome here toto me. andnd obviouslyly i think t flflight had s something t to d it. i m m going to be a grgrandparent.t. my kids are grown and married and no longer kids and have their own n independenent lives. y a all say helello. hi.i. merry c christmas. mererry christmtmas to mrmr. sullenbeberger. how a are you? > we re allll doing grereat. at t the time o of the accic i had one e grandchildld. > say elf.. so, i m elflf. okay. we nonow have 13 3 grandchil. y you start w with the papass and then the sons anand daughte
debauched album. i was like, i don t even know what debauched means, but i ve got to get some of this debauchery stuff. having cocome out of f the which was s its own ananimal, t 70s hadad to show a a new skin had d to shed ththe old one.e. ooh yeah i was never very confident of my voice as a singer. i thoughght rather t than just , whwhich would d probably b bore pants s off everybybody, i d l o kikind of portrtray the sosongs. and i turn myself to face me and i nenever caughtht a glimps davavid bowie h has always sa
playing] interviewewer 1: playeyers go play, anand haters g gon hat, yoyou know? songwrititers nathanan butler d seanan hall sueded taylor sws, claiaiming that t taylor swift s sosong, shakeke it o borroweded from a sosong they we fofor 3lw calllled playass gon plalay . lisa r respers frarance: in 20, hallll and butleler filed a a lt agaiainst tayloror swift becee ththey felt lilike those l ls that playayers going g to playay, haters g going to hah had cocome from ththeir 200000 hit song g with 3lw.. sidndney madden:n: to someone who o says they y hear absololy no simililarity betwtween s shake it ofoff anand playas s gon play betweeeen those twtwo choruse, you would d have to bebe listeg with t three sets s of earmufs to tryry and realllly argue e with that.t. [m[music playiying] sean h hall: some e lawyers reran ththe situatioion. but i dididn t get i it becaue usually y when peoplple say copyriright infriningement, nine timimes out of f 10, they mean the music. oh, the
playing] interviewewer 1: playeyers go play, anand haters g gon hat, yoyou know? songwrititers nathanan butler d seanan hall sueded taylor sws, claiaiming that t taylor swift s sosong, shakeke it o borroweded from a sosong they we fofor 3lw calllled playass gon plalay . lisa r respers frarance: in 20, hallll and butleler filed a a lt agaiainst tayloror swift becee ththey felt lilike those l ls that playayers going g to playay, haters g going to hah had cocome from ththeir 200000 hit song g with 3lw.. sidndney madden:n: to someone who o says they y hear absololy no simililarity betwtween s shake it ofoff anand playas s gon play betweeeen those twtwo choruse, you would d have to bebe listeg with t three sets s of earmufs to tryry and realllly argue e with that.t. [m[music playiying] sean h hall: some e lawyers reran ththe situatioion. but i didn t get it because usually when people say copyright infringement, nine timimes out of f 10, they mean the music. oh, there s a samp
on t top of the e worlddddd!! bebefore advilil. adadvil targetets pain at thehe source ofof inflammat. when pain n comes for r yo, cocome back fafast with advil liququi-gels. john: finally, tonight, from the ashes of ruin comes a story of true love. here is cbs s steve hartman on the road. reporter: bride and groom elizabeth and jake landuyt say their wedding was like a fairy tale. you may grace your bride to. everything we could have dreamed of. reporter: until. my dad was doing his father of the bride speech, and just a minute in, he was interrupted by some of our guests. house on fire. reporter: and that was the end of that.