dni job. joining me right now is former republican congressman and governor from south carolina mark sanford. he is also considering a run for 2020. congressman, thanks for being here. i do want to get your reaction to this move in general from the president. kaitlin collins reporting about the ratcliffe decision that folks around the president actually didn t think he was aggressive enough but then trump was so impressed by his performance in the mueller hearing that he decided that that is when he wanted ratcliffe for the coats job. what does that mean to you? what it means to me is that john is going to have big shoes to fill. i think that dan did a spectacular job in that role. i think he had a particular pedigree, both given his time in the senate and, frankly, ambassadorial post there in germany, so he ll have to fill big shoes. that s what it says to me. what was was it the feeling that you had on the hill