He went by “Bruce,” and his story began on a North Dakota farm far from civilization. He was born in Fargo to Ethel Roberts Bowerman and Herbert Percy Bowerman. He
After legendary Bay Area bicyclist is struck and killed by SUV, cyclists crusade for safety
Alan Kalin, president of the Mount Diablo Cyclists, a club with 1,300 members, worries about road rage. “Everything’s fine out there on the road, then suddenly, it goes sideways.”Stephen Lam / The ChronicleShow MoreShow Less
A car drives past a bicycle turnout, one of 17 installed around the popular cycling route along Mount Diablo.Stephen Lam / The ChronicleShow MoreShow Less
Joe Shami, 86, last year completed 600 consecutive weeks of cycling to the summit of Mount Diablo.TrekShow MoreShow Less
Simmering anger between cyclists and motorists on Bay Area roads hit a new level this month when a cult cycling hero from the East Bay, 86-year-old Joe Shami, was struck and killed by an SUV April 13 at a roundabout in Lafayette. Shami was closing in on 100,000 miles ridden on his bicycle.