On 10 July 2023, GPS satellite SVN-63, at D2A in the D plane, experienced a clock anomaly that caused the Space Force’s 2d Space Operations Squadron to set the satellite as "off" (Unhealthy) to all users until further notice. SVN-63 is a GPS-IIF satellite launched in July of 2011. GPS IIF satellites have a design
The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary on Fort Myers Beach warns that recreational boating after a hurricane is unwise. While the sun is shining and it’s been a coupl
The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary on Fort Myers Beach warns that recreational boating after a hurricane is unwise. While the sun is shining and it’s been a coupl
Thames River users, environmental interest groups, and federal, state and local regulators generally feel that the current volume of traffic on the river is good, but they did express concern around i.