told you the truth. it s very difficult. i don t think these are people in iraq who are accustomed to our notions of coalition compromise. even throwing balls republican or democrat at each other we try to get something done. that s the history of our country. over there it s my guys and your guys and tribal entities that last for generations. and so, you know, but at this point the vice president biden, i think, has to say yes. he has some optimism. he believes they can do it. go team go. he is a cheerleader essentially now for a very difficult process. it should have been done. initially even vice president biden said it should have been done by the end of the summer. obviously it will not be done by the end of this summer because ramadan is taking place so you are not going to see that but, america has so much invested there from the lives to money to our reputation to our ability to engineer in that region. nina talked about people who are on the edges of that country who