That is hard to see it now but traffic is moving slower with the rain and julie you that a check of the timing of the rain. Driving near the Golden Gate Bridge you will most notice reduced visibility and dense fog along the coast. This is a High Definition doppler, look over the last three hours showers and moving from west to east over the bay area. We will start to see the showers taper off right now southern edge of the band of rain showing rainfall over San Francisco, marina district, there is areas in the north racing rain, Richmond Singh showers and looking farther north you see heavy pockets of rain heavy to moderate rainfall toward concorde continuing off as it moves east hercules, richmond get ready for this ouc over concorde. San rafael seeing moderate to heavy rainfall and light rain, novato, vallejo, the rainbow taper off to showers as we make our way to the day. Futurecast shows the timing. Widespread showers for the first half of the day and tapering to scattered showers
Commissioner peskin commissioner tang commissioner wiener commissioner yee project manager. Great so item number ten. Introduction of new items this is an informational item. Who is who is sitting in my oh, commissioner kim do you okay commissioner kim and i dont have a new items i was going to ask to rescind on the items. Ill move past this before we adjourn ill ask you to make that motion no new items any Public Comment on item 10 seeing none, Public Comment is closed. And before we move to item 11 commissioner kim has a motion can you please state the motion commission. Im sorry, i dont have the agenda nonresponsive me. What is that. Item 5 and 678 or. No. I believe i missed another one mr. Clerk confirm. 5 through 8 commissioner kim has made a motion to rescind no. Whats happening why are we rescinding the vote. If no second thats fine. Second. A whats the motion. Commissioner kim can you i withdraw my motion. Okay. So no motion on the floor. Id like to rescind the vote just on wel
Board of supervisors meeting of wednesday, january 20, 2016, madam clerk call the role. Supervisor avalos supervisor breed supervisor campos supervisor cowen supervisor farrell supervisor kim supervisor kim . Supervisor mar not present supervisor peskin commissioner hwang not present supervisor wiener scott wiener for the present supervisor yee we have quorum ladies and gentlemen, please join us in the pledge of allegiance and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Thank you, madam clerk any incumbrance. Were in receipt of that communication from mayor ed lee dated january 19th communicating his veto of bicycle yield policy pursuant to the charter session the board any override thirty days not less than twothirds of the board. Colleagues, any changes to the Meeting Minutes of december 8th percent or 15 seeing no other names on the roster, is there a motion to approve the minutes by supervisor campos and seconded by supe
Good afternoon, everybody and welcome to the San Francisco board of supervisors meeting of wednesday, january 20, 2016, madam clerk call the role. Supervisor avalos supervisor breed supervisor campos supervisor cowen supervisor farrell supervisor kim supervisor kim . Supervisor mar not present supervisor peskin commissioner hwang not present supervisor wiener scott wiener for the present supervisor yee we have quorum ladies and gentlemen, please join us in the pledge of allegiance and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Thank you, madam clerk any incumbrance. Were in receipt of that communication from mayor ed lee dated january 19th communicating his veto of bicycle yield policy pursuant to the charter session the board any override thirty days not less than twothirds of the board. Colleagues, any changes to the Meeting Minutes of december 8th percent or 15 seeing no other names on the roster, is there a motion to ap
Mentioning zeno phobia without the cases that came to the court System People think immigration on the deals with Central America with the border but painted picture what weve talked about in the immigration encases. Guinea york city we deal with people all over the world and our caseload between 60 and 70 comes from china. There are juvenile is from china who raise the same concern that we have a very large group of people from china. We dont have as many Central Americans says you would think a lot of west africans and people from india, pakistan, bangladesh so it is the Diverse Group of people. Certainly we see enough Central America is where we are aware of the country conditions with chaff have been described it is extremely difficult especially for the young people to flee game violence and unfortunately the of law is not on their side with asylum but there are other big user avenues that are available to them. To interject 1. It is important to recognize central and south americ