Mick Norcross at the Sugar Hut He said: My son [Kirk] and I were part of the show for a couple of years but it was very demanding. And what it did to me as a person was quite a strange thing, taking me from somebody nobody really knows to somebody that everyone knows because you’re a household name so to speak. But it was a decision I took just to try to manoeuvre the business - the Sugar Hut - in the right way, I needed it to be portrayed in the right light and being part of the show that was the only way I could do that.
Mick Norcross at the Sugar Hut He said: My son [Kirk] and I were part of the show for a couple of years but it was very demanding. And what it did to me as a person was quite a strange thing, taking me from somebody nobody really knows to somebody that everyone knows because you’re a household name so to speak. But it was a decision I took just to try to manoeuvre the business - the Sugar Hut - in the right way, I needed it to be portrayed in the right light and being part of the show that was the only way I could do that.