to be paying taxes, fourthly for a variety of reasons, we ve got to cut military spending. fifthly we do away with trump s huge tax breaks for the rich and sixth we have a progressive tax system which demands large corporations and the rich start paying their fair share of the taxes. at first i thought this was implausible, but the plan when you re talking about replacing every diesel school bus in america, which is what the plan calls for, that s a lot of jobs. what is your to me there s a mismatch between the promises and the reality that makes these things hard, right? there are coal workers right now out of work in wyoming. there are coal workers who are stationed in harlan county, kentucky not getting their pensions not letting that coal move because they ve been screwed time and time again. what do you say to them when they say why should i believe that the promise you re making can be a reality? well, one of the things that we do, and we put many, many tens of billions of
reasons, too. they do. we have great mental illness. i am the chosen one to the usa. president obama had separation. i am the one that brought them together. we are looking at birthright citizenship very seriously. what do you think? what s his mental state here? talking about birthrights. less on the mental state and more on his efforts to be master of deflection. while he s out there saying that we re not talking about what s happening to coal workers whose pension is in limbo. you think he does the cra craziziness on purpose? i am the chosen one? look, to her point, we re not talking about farmers in ohio. you think he gets up in the morning and says, i will create a crazy agenda today. what he says, i will quote the guy on fox news about the king of israel. he starts the day with chaos to
come back after he rolled back regulations. however, the reality is very different. accord to the u.s. energy administration, coal production is on target to hit a record low this year and fewer permanent employed by mine contractors and operators now than there were when president obama was in office. it remains unknown how democrats and miners will agree on a plan to transform our energy s future, john kerry is the last presidential candidate to tour a mine with coal workers and that was back in 2004. while the democratic candidates haven t said much about coal, many of them have been talking about big tech. silicon valley make up four of the five valuable companies in america but they find themselves under fire from data privacy practices and critics who want to see them broken up. silicon valleynd at tech industry in general have seen huge changes over the past few decades. in her new book out today, the
have reached out this early and invited the entire field of democratic candidates to tour a mine and open a dialogue. the last time that a presidential candidate did this was john kerry in 2004. so nbc news has obtained the letters that went out to all the presidential primary candidates and this underscores the significant and persistent concerns in this community, in these pockets of america where frankly the mine workers, mika, as you remember, were really the face of forgotten man during trump s campaign. he really made the mine workers a priority and said these are the people who i m going to prioritize and bring back jobs for. no one he says has done more for the coal workers than him. he has a coal lobbyist heading the epa. they have had all of the regulatory rollbacks aimed at helping the coal industry and yet, 2018 was a record year for coal mine retirements.
and you see these coal workers if you re up on capitol hill, they re a fixture coming up there trying to appeal for help from members on capitol hill for their pensions for instance. so what we have here is a strong indication that even though this is a very loyal trump constituency, these people the forgotten man here are still really suffering and they re at least open to being wooed back by democrats who they say in this letter were their natural constituency in decades past. interesting. kasie hunt? hey, heidi, i mean, i take your point about this, but i mean, they haven t invited president trump to tour a mine presumably you seem to report because they know where he stands on this. i mean, how is there evidence here that this is something that s in play? it s evidence because they have not done this before. they do say that they know where president trump is on the issue. and point taken, many of them