the surge and all that. people took their positions and stayed with them. the independents split 50/50, i think. normally when you have a president that has unpopularity, disapproval ratings, you ll see that middle, that independents swing to the opposing party. it didn t happen in the numbers that we needed it to. so i think that s where we fell short. you know, pennsylvania, i m right next door to pennsylvania in west virginia. pennsylvania is not exactly a red state. hats off to pat toomey for getting elected there. that is a tough state for any republican. and so i m not surprised neil: mehmet oz was that bad of a candidate by someone that performed miserably and didn t matter. and the president making comments that we re going to close the coal pants. pennsylvania is the second largest producer of natural gas and he still won. a lot of the votes winterly before the debate. that s something to look at for
obviously whatever controls the epa has in place are not working if our fish are tainted. well, let me just say this to you, the scientists that testified before our committee were unanimous in the view that there is not going to be any benefit from this new regulation in reducing mercury levels. all of the benefits were calculated from the reduction of par particulate matter, which is already covered under ambien air quality standard regulations. this is about closing coal plants, and that s precisely what it is about. alisyn: what about closing those coal plants. if they come off line and are closed what happens to the power grid and to the electricity in states where the coal pants are now? reporter: we hav we have a number of concerns, as you know our economy is sputtering. electricity is a tremendous component in economic growth, and the price of electricity.