there was, let s say, a more radical approach to the tenets of his faith. what are the indications that what caused it to go from taking a narrative of violence if it happened that way then taking the constructive act toward violence? is it your view these two were largely unattached? as you look at the available evidence, available to all of us? is it your view they were unattached to any major terrorist organization? at this point are there any signs that suggest to you that they may have been linked, coached, provided with munitions by an organization? yeah, and besides are there other acts already in play? that is absolutely the question. look, what we have right now is a period of travel with a lot of questions. an ability to link up with groups, or in a lot of the cases, martin, especially in the post-9/11 environment, you have an individual that essentially self-motivates, self-recruits.