District attorney lynne ape abraham. The former p kenney kenney. The former Vice President of margareting and communications for e1pgw, doug oifrlt. Otr t hahp hc rmer state senator milton jf street. Andt curren. 3 state in senator, anthony williams. Quickni reminder,82tu┐3uz onee1 minute to answer each question. We will begin with this. I think all of you would agree that education is really a key issue in this election. The 84 million budget shortfall is a cloudlp hanging over our city and over the education system. As you may know mayor nutter has proposed a 9. 3 property tax that your q solution . 4 and if not, where would you find the money. Lets start with you Lynne Abraham. Thank you, jim. And thanks to nbc 10. I believe in a the recommendation of our mayor uq we put anotherco ngocnr9. 3 tax on real estat] is really regressive, and it hurts the people that most need to hold on to their dollars. I think i have urged city council to take up thejf issue of School Funding before t