general, there has been intens fighting happening on th ground in sudan. certainly a very precariou situation. there was talk in grumblings o the possible evacuation of u.s personnel amidst at all. we re now getting confirmation that in fact happene overnight. talk us through what goes into that decision-making and how difficult of an operation it i to pull folks out when you essentially have a country a war. thank you, and it is a grea question a lot of planning, a lot o organization, it has been pu into this. a lot of it depends on how muc time there is on the ground to get out and it looks like ou state department and afric command would be the senio military, if you will, - focused on a
suspended operations because of security concerns, not against them, but clashes against various different groups being a concern that might happen. the desperation will grow as our attention around the world possibly moves somewhere else, fred. nick paton walsh, thanks so much for that. today a california-based o organization direct relief sending medical and humanitarian aid to turkey and syria. mike, tell us more about this effort. reporter: sure, fred. the name of the game is to get 17 tons of supplies out of this 3 1/2 acre warehouse on a direct flight from lax down the 101/405 freeway all the way to istanbul, a 13-hour flight. let s give you a tour to show you all these pallets are bound
hoping for more free speech. elon musk what wants. he wants more free speech for americans and for the world, which is better for democracy for the republic. and he wants more transparencywi from the leaders attt twitter and he s not getting carol. g they re going to be popping the champagne corks over a twitterepa tonight. they can now resume their unfettered censorship right? yeah yeah, absolutely. you know, therey was some covertly taken videos out by project veritas recently where we sawid that twitterop employees were very openly calling themselves communiststh, saying, yeah, it s a very o organization. so i i imagine that there are a lot of employees who areha happy about this. v i can t imagine that, youer kno, shareholders are very happy about this. this seems like a disaster forot most people who own twitter stock. so it remains to be seeno who wins the end of this.un i don t my money s still on ellen, noty necessarily that he s to buy it, but then he comes out on to
0 about ite line that s for us tonight. sorry, biden joked our friend j jarocin for sean tonight. have the best night with the ones you love.te w i ll see you monday. at. welcome everyone to this special edition of hannity . i m right here i show tonight.em top democrats and their friendsc in the liberal media all butid begging president biden to do something, anything on a variety of key issues in response today, the white house signed a rather useless executive order on abortion rights that does little to nothingab, just another political stunt from a white house that is trulyen incompete. in every way. what else would you expect fromo a president who struggles with basic task s like, you know, walking and talking even with the assistance of a teleprompter? watch this. itit is noteworthy that the percentage of women who registered to vote and cast a ballot is consistently higher than the percentage of the menge who do so end of quote, repeated line women are notar without electo