Chennai headquartered Repco Bank has performed well on all the financial parameters for the Financial Year 2020-21 and has declared a dividend of 20% to its shareholders. The bank earned a
Chennai based Repco Bank Managing Director R S Isabella has won an award from Women Leaders of the Year by the Frontiers in Co-operative Banking Awards-2020. The award is in the PACs/Credit Society Category.
Though, the function generally used to be organized physically, due to Covid-19 it was organized through video conferencing. A euphoric MD shared the news with Indian Cooperative through WhatsApp. Besides, Repco Bank has bagged the award for Best Digital Bank/Best Fraud Control Initiative.
The two-day event was inaugurated by Nafcub President Jyotindrabhai Mehta and Valedictory address was attended by Union Minister of State for Agriculture Parshottam Rupala.