The mac thanks to all my classmates and coeditors and mentors who helped make this possible. In february to the night vision this book. Everything is happening for me as an activeduty salt and afghanistan in kandahar. I was working for general nick nicholson, doing cool things is a swell stansell are now, supporting my country. Maybe i should do a book. Really, compared to ben wagner . Really, compared to jacob sabe . And f18 pilot to saved the stryker battalion. Well, made cbs colleague, jason jackson. The story of this book were exceptional and i that i will ask us present at 2002 it could connect the stories come from personalities together to weave together a book that could define this decade through leadership ones. So i called Carol Andersen. Carol andersen wasserstein richard in a helicopter accident. I called her on the phone as i did all the mothers who go for the book who lost their sons and i said carol, i would like to type you about richard. Are you selling tshirts quite