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MCLEAN, Va., May 24, 2021 /PRNewswire/ CNSI, a leading provider of innovative, healthcare technology-enabled products and solutions that improve health outcomes and reduce healthcare costs, announced today that Washington and Michigan have selected CNSI s Interoperability Solution to meet the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) mandate to provide beneficiaries portable access to their health information and payer data following the HL7
® standard for the electronic exchange of healthcare information. This CMS mandate is a significant step toward empowering individuals to securely access their health data and make more informed health and healthcare choices. Both states already use CNSI s Medicaid Management Information System for claims processing and provider enrollment.
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MCLEAN, Va., March 16, 2021 /PRNewswire/ CNSI, a leader in developing and delivering innovative health information technology products and solutions, announced today that it received the top overall score in the 2020 NASPO ValuePoint™ multi-state evaluation of Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS) Claims Processing and Management Services. CNSI had the highest composite proposal and demonstration scores, and the top overall weighted score. As a result of CNSI s performance, states and territories can now procure CNSI s solutions through NASPO ValuePoint, including Medicaid claims processing and provider enrollment solutions and related business and technology solutions and services, encompassing call centers, cloud hosting, financial management services, business operations, data analytics, and federal reporting.
into effect and that creates a need for a giant computer system, the medicaid management information system. the contracts to build and run the system go to client network services, incorporated or cnsi out of gaithersburg, maryland. the state of michigan had aexis. they formed a partnership with the michigan department of family health. the procurement code in illinois allows health and family services to bypass the bidding process with an intergovernmental agreement. we have up to $190 million of contracts with no transparency and with no bidding. if that s legal in illinois, it shouldn t be and to the extent that s happening across the country the citizens need to know it. reporter: governor bobby jindal of louisiana terminate ad contract with cnsi because a federal grand jury and the state attorney general were investigating ethics violations regarding the procurement