the latest. you ve learned some information about the alleged shooter and it concerns his psychiatrist actually had about him. anderson in the first ten days of june, i ll give you a number of things that were going on to set the scene. on june 7th the suspect was to take an exam. he took this oral exam, it was a preliminary oral exam, and he didn t do well on it at all. secondly, he had to find a mentor. we re told it was unclear he could find a mentor. on the 7th, the same day that he basically failed the test, he went out in the afternoon and bought a ar 15 assault rifle. it was in that afternoon that we know that he was around that period he was certainly talking to his psychiatrist, dr. fenton. we don t know what those conversations were, but we know during that period, something that he said to his psychiatrist caused her to contact the university of colorado threat assessment team. now, that threat assessment team was formed in part with her help and she s on that te