mummy, what s there? picked up dirty cigarette butts. if you stop smoking, everybody s going to get fat butts. get on the twinkie patrol. reporter: richard roth, cnn. let s take another look at the markets. some markets in europe were, what, just under two hours into the trading day, and we re seeing quite a bit of buying going on with all of the markets up by 1% and in the case of the xetra dax up nearly 2%. andrew? pretty strong day in asia as well, charles. particularly shanghai after eight days of losses you see there, shanghai bouncing back 1.4% gain. not shab e as all with the shanghai. pretty strong day all around. and nikkei up by nearly 2% after the japanese yen showed signs of weakening now at 8175 against the u.s. dollar and sizable
of the football world governing body organizers. okay. we ll have to see whether sedd blatter pays attention that. unopposed as we expect later this week and carries on in the presidency which he s held since 1998. joining us live from outside fifa headquarters in zurich, switzerland. and a story, the developments of the top of the world football governing body and let me remind you, of course, you can follow the story on our website, to get up to date. what pedro has to say. go to, allegations of corruption, and also on a defiant stand we just saw there. extraordinary stuff, charles. well, monday was rather an indecisive day on global stock markets, because the uk market, more importantly, the u.s.
big thunderstorms may rumble from paris to stuttgart. we ll teep you updated. charles? karen maginnis, joining us live. spectacular pictures from off the australian coast. thanks indeed. andrew? still ahead on world business, shining a spotlight on modern day slavery as cnn s project freedom goes to afghanistan. stay with us. [ male announcer ] you ve reached the age where you don t back down from a challenge. this is the age of knowing how to make things happen. so, why would you let something like erectile dysfunction get in your way? isn t it time you talked to ? 20 million men already have. with every age comes respons. ask your doctor if your heart.
apparently the peas expand a little more than coffee and these can explode. now for the real test. definitely very bitter. cafes and restaurants still serve the ppure coffee cuba is s for, but the aromatic beans imports more than half of its annual consumption. for cnn, havana. ah, but also exports a lot of sugar which you were use to get rid of that bitter taste, i d say. anyway, no mind. cuba s caffeine woes, japan s economic woes just got worse. one word moody s. we ll tell what you they re saying now about japan s debt problems. and here s something you probably haven t seen before. explaining this twisting bill pillar of water off australia s
is struggling to deal with this problem. andrew? certainly have a lot of problems in that part of the world. thank you very much. thank you for joining us from cnn new delly. charles? coffee drinkers are getting a jolt, although perhaps not the kind you were hoping for. ahead, why the cost of java is way up. a and a look how cuba is keeping that cost down. all and more ahead on world business today. there s great ns for people with astigmatism. acuvue® oasys for astigmatism. he said it s the only lens of its kind designed to realign naturally with every blink and created with hydraclear® plus. i m seeing more clearly, crisply, comfortably, all day long. now life doesn t have to be a blur. [ male announcer ] learn more at acuvue® oasys for astigmatism.