There are several Katong laksa brands across the island that have a claim to be the original gold standard. Which is serving up the real deal? The programme On The Red Dot digs into the stories of rival hawkers.
How are the papers marked? How fair or strict are the markers? What should pupils do for a good result? PSLE science chief marker Jay Mahardale tackles these issues and more.
Have Singapore’s views on academic results shifted, even a bit, since a change of the PSLE scoring system in 2021? The programme Regardless of Grades looks at how parents are approaching the exam and what it is doing to children.
What if your parent is your classmate? The programme On The Red Dot documents the stories of four parents who join their teenage children in school to understand what it is like being a secondary school student in Singapore nowadays.
Can India replace China as a manufacturing powerhouse? Can Indonesia navigate the geopolitics by bringing in companies from the East and the West to work together? The programme When Titans Clash looks at the shape of things to come.