Claros Mortgage Trust, Inc. (NYSE:CMTG – Get Rating) was the recipient of a large drop in short interest in the month of March. As of March 15th, there was short interest totalling 2,380,000 shares, a drop of 8.1% from the February 28th total of 2,590,000 shares. Based on an average daily volume of 269,700 shares, […]
Shares of Claros Mortgage Trust, Inc. (NYSE:CMTG – Get Rating) reached a new 52-week low on Thursday . The stock traded as low as $10.99 and last traded at $11.08, with a volume of 82868 shares traded. The stock had previously closed at $11.43. Wall Street Analysts Forecast Growth Several research analysts recently weighed in […]
Claros Mortgage Trust, Inc. (NYSE:CMTG – Get Rating) announced a quarterly dividend on Friday, June 17th, Wall Street Journal reports. Stockholders of record on Thursday, June 30th will be paid a dividend of 0.37 per share on Friday, July 15th. This represents a $1.48 dividend on an annualized basis and a dividend yield of 7.71%. […]
Claros Mortgage Trust (NYSE:CMTG – Get Rating) had its target price cut by analysts at Wells Fargo & Company to $22.00 in a research report issued on Wednesday, Stock Target Advisor reports. The firm presently has an “overweight” rating on the stock. Wells Fargo & Company‘s target price would suggest a potential upside of 11.51% […]
Claros Mortgage Trust (NYSE:CMTG – Get Rating) had its price target lifted by analysts at UBS Group to $19.00 in a research report issued to clients and investors on Tuesday, Stock Target Advisor reports. The firm currently has a “na” rating on the stock. UBS Group’s price target would suggest a potential downside of 5.00% […]