LA CROSSE, Wis. (WXOW) - Volunteers and staff spent the day answering calls and taking donations for day one of the Children s Miracle Network Hospital s Radiothon.
Today we bring you a special treat: a guest post from our colleague, Igor Krupnik, who is an Anthropologist at the National Museum of Natural History. We hope you enjoy reading about his work with the people of Wales, Alaska, to document the many native Inupiaq words for Sea Ice..
HEMATOLOGISTS are calling for inclusion of blood-related diseases in the national plan against non communicable diseases (NCDs) and the formulation of a treatment guideline to streamline responses by medical personnel caring for hemophilia and sickle-cell patients.
THE Muhimbili National Hospital (MNH) intends to lead the way in conducting research on traditional medicine to cure various diseases including Covid-19.