The Corruption Perception Index Report for 2021 compiled by the global anti-corruption body, Transparency International ranks Nigeria as 154 out of 180 countries.
president. makes it all the more bewildering. we are not going to comment on one off anonymous sources. if it were i m not going to get into it. shannon: let s bring in the panel. steve hayes, susan page, and editor-in-chief of lifezette, laura ingraham. i feel like i can barely keep up with this. there are new things happening. we had these letters back and forth. steve, this information from today, john roberts confirming there was an nsc staffer and a white house counsel staffer who alerted devin nunes to the information. white house has invited congressman schiff to come over and take a look. he said i m concerned. if that s how this was done, wasn t laundered by taking it to the committee? ultimately the information is
but one impact of this controversy is to undermine chairman nunes credibility on the hill, to raise questions about whether he can continue to act as chairman of the cmittee committee. it certainly has poisoned his relationship with the democrats. that is of some concern because the intelligence committee has a history of acting in a somewhat bipartisan way. under their radar, not always publicizing everything that s going on. this raises concerns about how this is going to work. shannon: laura, do you think the critics pouncing on the way devin nunes handled it. if the underlying information possibly, we will see what version we get. if it proves what the president said about people listening and are looking at is information was happening. i think that is the efforts. part of the demonization of devin nunes, i would agree with steve that they probably
intelligence officer christopher steele. do you know him? in early july. ranking democrat adam schiff said in sections of the dossier. i was laughing. that was part of the reason why i m excited about helping the committee. are you prepared to testify publicly? i would love to. i can t wait for them to ask me about the crazy allegations that came out of that dossier. most of the allegations to turn around pages july 2016 russia trip where he gave a graduation speech. to be clear, you told the trump campaign you were going to moscow but you are going as a private citizen. yes. are you paid for the speech? i was paid 0. alleges that he met with a businessman. i have never met him.