1-866-55-press is our toll free number. that s how you join us by phone on twitter it s at bpshow. also easy on facebook. facebook.com/billpressshow. among the many stories we ll be covering this morning, president obama is back in the white house. got back in with the first family about 12:45 this morning. after very important visit to germany where he called yesterday on cutting the world s nuclear arsenal by 1/3 challenging russia to join him in that goal. and also said we ve got to start moving toward a world without nuclear weapons. meanwhile, president obama said the important challenge of our day is to really start moving on climate change, nations united together, in that move. here at home, robert mueller director of the fbi says yes we are using drones. valerie plame says edward snowden is no hero but he s not a traitor either. lisa murkowski, the third republican senator to endorse same-sex marriage. all of that on current tv. conversation started weekdays at 9 eas