and all the windows in the house were broken. the ukrainians tell us the russian troops didn t even bother collecting most of their own dead. more than a week after vladimir putin s army was pushed out of here, they showed us the body of what they say was a russian soldier still laying in the woods. and that s not all they ve left behind. this mining unit says they found hundreds of tons of unexploded ordinance in just a matter of days, including cluster munitions like this bomblet, even though the russians deny using them. these weapons are extremely dangerous for civilians who might accidentally touch them, the commander says. there are about 50 such elements in one bomb, he says, this is a high-explosive fragmentation bomb to kill people, designed just to kill people. they blow up the cluster bomblet on the spot, and then move the heavier bombs to a different location for a massive controlled explosion.
fragmentation bomb to kill people designed just to kill people. they blow up the cluster bomblet on the spot and move in for a massive controlled explosion. the body collecting, the mine sweeping and the clearing of wreckage are just starting in this area and yet this pile of demolished vehicles, both militarily and civilian towers in the key suburb of irpin. if you had to picture russia s attempt to try to take the ukrainian capitol of kyiv, it would look like this. destruction on a massive scale and absolutely nothing to show for it. russia s military was humiliated by the ukrainians and caused a lot of harm in the process. they ve devastated scores of families at irpin cemetery, the newly widowed weep at funerals
they blow up the cluster bomblet on the spot and then move the heavier bombs to a different location for a massive controlled explosion. the body collecting, the mine sweeping, and the clearing up of wreckage are just starting in this area, and yet this pile of demolished vehicles, both military and civilian, already towers in the kyiv suburb of irpin. if you had to picture russia s attempt to try and take the ukrainian capital, kyiv, it would probably look a lot like this. destruction on a massive scale and absolutely nothing to show for it. russia s military was humiliated by the ukrainians and caused a lot of harm in the process. and they ve devastated scores of families. at irpin s cemetery, the newly widowed weep at funerals for the fallen. alla, her husband fought alongside their 21-year-old son
bomblet even though the russians deny using them. these weapons are extremely dangerous for civilians who might accidentally touch them, the commander says. there are about 50 such elements in one bomb, he says. this say high explosive fragmentation bomb to kill people, designed just to kill people. they blow up the cluster bomblet on the spot and move the heavier bombs to a different location for a massive controlled explosion. the body collecting, the mine sweeping, and the clearing up of wreckage are just starting in this area. and yet this pile of demolished vehicles both military and civilian already towers in the kyiv suburb of irpin. if you had to picture russia s attempt to try and take the ukrainian capital kyiv, it would probably look a lot like this. destruction on a massive scale and absolutely nothing to show