they got huge breaks when they didn t need any. we ll talk about how the president can focus on the middle class instead when we come back. and crazy teleevangelist. pat robertson is acting like a conservative. i ll play you the tape. and plus fox news blames the nba for a war on christmas. sarah palin takes aim at rudolph. don t do it, sarah. and lizz winstead roasts tom cofwhurn club ed. you re watching the ed show on msnbc. coming up, president obama. wants to keep the dream alive for millions of children in holy night sleep in heavenly peace sleep in heavenly peace sleep in heavenly peace
it s thursday on the christmas break starting for us tomorrow, it s time for a special edition of club ed. with daily show co-creator lizz winstead. all right, lizz, pat robertson just said that we should legalize pot. since i agree with him, i believe that hell has frozen over. what do you make of robertson s statement? you know it s pretty incredible and when i read that, too, i was thinking, how awesome would it be if he decided to just to change the name of the 700 club to the 420 club? that would be my dream. just take it that much further. that s funny. that would be change that we could all believe in. exactly. obama s taken a they ve taken a change. they ve gone to hawaii on a vacation. what do you make of that? well, i hope that they re wrapping all of their gifts in his birth certificate and sending them back once and for all. i think that could the smartest thing they could do. a little holly around the date and send it off, and i m from
to hold this guy with. right. all right. jane hamsher, thanks for joining us. it is a powerful story. now, coming up, the daily show co-creator lizz winstead is coming up in club ed. it s that time of year. time for campbell s green bean casserole. you ll find the recipe at campbell s.® it s amazing what soup can do.™ everyone s eating tacos outside bill s office. [ chuckles ] you think that is some information
they got huge breaks when they didn t need any. we ll talk about how the president can focus on the middle class instead when we come back. and crazy teleevangelist. pat robertson is acting like a conservative. i ll play you the tape. and plus fox news blames the nba for a war on christmas. sarah palin takes aim at rudolph. don t do it, sarah. and lizz winstead roasts tom cofwhurn club ed. you re watching the ed show on msnbc. [ sneezes ] you re up next.
king, bill clinton, zipper club in club ed. [ sneezes ] you re up next. yeah. aww.that oj needs alka-seltzer plus. fast powder packs are a taste-free fizz-free way to transform your drink into a powerful cold fighter! there s a cold front moving in, but relief is on the way. into a powerful cold fighter! naturally colorful vegetables are often a good source of vitamins, fiber, or minerals. and who brings you more natural colors than campbell s condensed soups? campbell s.® it s amazing what soup can do.™