Доказана связь между психическими заболеваниями и смертностью от COVID-19
Медицина, 28 июля 2021 07:07 1 115
Как передает Day.Az со ссылкой на Lenta.ru, об этом сообщает Daily Mail.
Новое исследование показывает, что пациенты, страдающие легкими и средними формами ментальных расстройств, такими как депрессия и тревожные расстройства, в 1,8 раза чаще умирают от коронавируса в отличии от здоровых людей. Смертность среди пациентов с тяжелыми психическими заболев
First Posted: May 28, 2021 03:38 AM EDT
Photo : Yui Mok - WPA Pool/Getty Images
Prince Philip left a last will that would leave an inheritance not only to his grandchildren and family. Page Six reported that the Duke of Edinburgh also left an amount intended for his three close staffers.
The news of his will came a month after the 99-year-old Duke of Edinburgh died weeks away from his 100th birthday.
While most of the duke s estate is likely to have been left to his wife, Queen Elizabeth II, The Sun noted that a source close to the Buckingham Palace said that Prince Philip also rewarded his closest aides.