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WELLS 2021/0843/LBC: Chapel re-ordering and refurbishment to include external and internal alterations: Bubwiths Almshouses Priest Row Wells Somerset BA5 2QE 2021/0842/FUL: Chapel re-ordering and refurbishment to include external and internal alterations: Bubwiths Almshouses Priest Row Wells Somerset BA5 2QE 2021/0932/NMA: Application for a non-material amendment to permission 2018/0586/HSE alteration of external wall treatment from timber cladding to render: Ridgeway Old Bristol Road Upper Milton Wells Somerset BA5 3AH 2021/0919/CLP: Application for a proposed lawful development certificate for replacement of existing doors with like for like: Barn At The Homestead Hannahs Lane Westbury Sub Mendip Wells Somerset BA5 1JD
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GLASTONBURY 2021/0896/PAH: The erection of a single storey rear extension, which would extend beyond the rear wall of the original house by 4.3 metres, with a maximum height of 3.43 metres and an eaves height of 2.33 metres: 15 Watts Corner Glastonbury Somerset BA6 8FD 2021/0834/NMA: Application for a non-material amendment to permission 2019/2507/VRC for the regularisation of kerbing and surfacing material: Land North Of A39 Glastonbury BA6 9BJ 2021/0872/TCA: T1 - Large Magnolia Grandiflora - Reduce vertical growth to just below the roof line. Reduce lateral growth by approximately 1.5 meters. T2 - Portuguese Laurel Standard - Reduce overall crown by approximately 0.5 meters: Greenhill House Magdalene Street Glastonbury Somerset BA6 9EJ
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FROME 2021/0050/FUL: Residential development comprising 25 dwellings, new vehicular access, landscaping, sustainable urban drainage and other associated infrastructure works: Land At 378206 147347 Adderwell Road Frome Somerset 2021/0129/HSE: Erection of a First Floor Side Extension: 4 Hawksworth Close Frome Somerset BA11 2XW 2021/0121/FUL: Garage conversion to create new single dwelling: Grove House Marston Mead Frome Somerset BA11 4DU 2021/0111/HSE: Construction of new rear extension following the demolition of single storey rear extension and summerhouse: Glebe Cottage Longfield Mells Frome Somerset BA11 3PR 2021/0077/LBC: Fitting of new conservation rooflight to kitchen roof: 3 Church Hill Beckington Frome Somerset BA11 6TJ