Kildare County Council’s Green Kilometre Scheme collecting tonnes of litter every week
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Kildare County Council has said that nearly 100km of rural roads have been signed up to its Green Kilometre Scheme in which volunteers are now collecting an average of over a tonne of litter every week.
The council said that seven tonnes of litter alone was gathered during the month of February as part of the scheme.
A spokesperson added: “This is phenomenal amount of litter, given that it is all gathered up and individually bagged by the people of Kildare by hand.
“Well done to everybody!”
Kildare County Council questioned over Drehid haul route repairs
Kildare County Council engineers are planning to examine all major sub-standard junctions, on a countywide basis, and make a submission to the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport (DTTAS) for money to improve them, a District committee has been told.
Cllr Daragh Fitzpatrick asked about upgrade plans in the Clane-Maynooth District (MD) after the recent refusal of An Bord Pleanála to grant an extension to the Drehid Landfill facility.
Specifically, he wanted to know about plans to upgrade or put traffic calming measures on the haul routes to the facility within the MD.
Kildare Gardaí back plan to put ‘crime cash’ into locality
Top ranking gardaí in the Kildare Garda Division have agreed to a motion to divert cash seized in local crime into services in the community.
The call was made at this week’s Joint Policing Committee (JPC) meeting which was held online.
Committee member Cllr Fiona McLoughlin Healy called on the JPC to write to the Ministers for Justice, Finance and Public Expenditure to make provisions where money confiscated under the Proceeds of Crime Legislation be redirected from central funds back into local community.
The Newbridge politician listed off areas that could benefit such as local addiction services, youth organisations and community initiatives to combat the effect of addiction in communities.
Kildare Gardaí back plan to have proceeds of crime cash invested in local community
Top ranking gardaí in the Kildare Garda Division have agreed to a motion to divert cash seized in local crime into services in the community.
The call was made at this week’s Joint Policing Committee (JPC) meeting which was held online.
Committee member Cllr Fiona McLoughlin Healy called on the JPC to write to the Ministers for Justice, Finance and Public
Expenditure to make provisions where money confiscated under the Proceeds of Crime Legislation be redirected from central funds back into local community.
Clane needs a park, community council agm told
Volunteer council to make submissions on strategic housing developments
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The town of Clane needs a park, an online public meeting heard this week.
Clane Community Council member, Des Drumm, said some areas of Clane have become dangerous for walking.
Speaking at the agm of the town’s volunteer community council on January 25, he said Clane currently lacks something like a park.
Mr Drumm said it at least needs a safe circular route around the town away from houses and roads.
His comments came in the lights of discussions on walking in the town and proposed new housing developments, in particular the forthcoming Strategic Housing Development decisions by Bord Pleanala.