Labour’s Cllr George Lawlor has called on Wexford County Council to liaise with disability advocacy groups when considering major planning applications in a bid to avoid accessibility issues down the line.
Slogans promoting a far-right, anti-Semitic, white genocide, conspiracy theory have begun appearing across south Wexford as the county grapples with the issue of immigration.
With land at a premium and Wexford County Council seeking to address the worst housing crisis in decades, one local councillor has questioned the actions of those who receive planning permission and, in effect, sit on the land. At a meeting of Wexford County Council (WCC) in Carricklawn, Councillor George Lawlor noted that 1,075 planning permissions had been granted in the county last year but said there was no way of knowing when those houses would be built.
At last month’s meeting of Wexford Borough Council, an issue whereby a wall on Whiterock Hill had been knocked down after being struck by a car for the seventh time was raised, provoking concerns over the speed of cars in the area.