CUTS to services in Ceredigion under the community well-being umbrella totalling £375,000 across four service areas have been accepted by scrutiny committee members. The budgets of Porth Cymorth Cynnar, Porth Cynnal, Porth Gofal and the policy, performance and partnerships and public protection were discussed at the county council s healthier communities on Thursday, February 18. Public protection must find £10,500 in savings and the same in policy, performance and partnerships, £104,000 has to be found from the Porth Gofal budget, including housing, £216,000 from Proth Cynnal and £34,000 from Porth Cymorth Cynnar. The overall budget for 2021-22 identified for the integrated services of Porth Cymorth Cynnar is proposed to be set a £3.467million which includes cost pressures of around £165,000 requiring funding.
THE first of five meetings scrutinising Ceredigion County Council’s budget for 2021-22 has been held. Chairman and vice chairman of the four overview and scrutiny committees were given a detailed overview of the draft budget, Welsh Government settlement, council tax proposals and what savings need to be made by council leader Cllr Ellen ap Gwynn at scrutiny coordination committee. Committee chairman Cllr Elizabeth Evans reminded members that “detailed scrutiny of specific issues will sit with your individual scrutiny committees.” She said there were to be “no speeches, only questions”. The disappointment in a two per cent increase in settlement from Welsh Government was reiterated by Cllr ap Gwynn as she presented a draft budget report, as signed off at cabinet earlier this month.
A COUNCIL tax rise of 3.5 per cent is being proposed by Ceredigion County Council as it plans £3.4m in cuts or savings. Cabinet members have approved a number of recommendations related to this year’s budget which will go to scrutiny committees this month, before a final decision is taken by full council. Council leader Cllr Ellen ap Gwynn repeated on Tuesday (February 2) her “disappointment” in the Welsh Government settlement the authority is due to receive of £109,658,000, adding that discussions about an increase in Aggregate External Finance continue. The settlement is an increase of two per cent - the lowest in Wales.
THE National Eisteddfod is postponing the Ceredigion National Eisteddfod for another year until 2022. Cllr Ellen ap Gwynn, leader of the council and cabinet member with responsibility for the Welsh Language, said, “We support the Eisteddfod on their difficult decision to postpone the Eisteddfod for another year. “It will be strange not to work towards and attend the Eisteddfod on the first week of August this year again. However, everyone s health and safety is the main priority. “Organising or preparing to compete and attend the Eisteddfod is a big task. With all the planning that needs to be done, it is not practically possible to carry them out this year. We look forward to welcoming everyone to Ceredigion when it is safe to do so.”