able to score political points by opposing it. i don t think she s trying to distance herself from the president. she knows that the president, that the path to nomination of the white house runs through the obama coalition. she s not running for the obama third term, clinton third term. a lot in the democratic party, by distancing herself from the president, on this and other issues. this trade deal was a deal that his base really hated. he had to go with republicans to get that trade deal done. i think she s safe there. if she starts to run up over and over again, not only the flip-flop, but flip-flopping against the president, then she runs into a buzz saw. how much should she use her husband as a surrogate? he s here in las vegas. i don t know if he ll be in the room. eight years ago, he wasn t used that much. he may arguably be the most popular democratic politician out there. breaking news, hillary clinton is area hen woman. married to a famous man and great leader of t