The ttoy. Were happy because right now, were spending the day with our families. We taped this special Christmas Show for you. And so in our way, were getting to share it with all of you. Mechristmas. A fun c little baby. Baby. It makes it extra special, doesnt it . Its ag. M is home from exactly. We want to start with a check of the top Morgan Radford is on duty with those. Good morning and Merry Christmas to you. Christians ss around the world today are observing the Christmas Holiday. A time of joy and of hope. In the holy land there are fewer mg the pilgrimage birthplace of jesus. Officials say recent clashes with palestinians and Israeli Security forces are now keeping religious tourism down. But thankfully so far, no reports of violence today. And at the vatican, pope francis used his Christmas Eve mass to defend the rights of immigrants. He compared displaced families to mary and joseph, saying they, too, could find no place to stay. The pope told 10,000 worshipers that today we
Online at cspan. Org. We will take eli back to u. S. Senate with a couple of judicial nomination both coming up and live coverage here on cspan2. P stepped down, creating two vacancies. These has resulted in increased caseloads for the two judges. Things are almost as bad in tennessees Western District. Fortunately help is on the way. In july of last year chip campbell was elected to serve and tommy parker to serve. Im pleased to see that the president nominated such qualified individuals. I thank tom mccain for working with us. Senator corker recommend both positions. Ee lie richardson and mark norris is also nominated. Todays votes are a good start. Chip campbell and tommy parker will be assets to the federal bench. Tennessee is fortunate to have such wellqualified nominees. They are men of good character, good temperament, and today i encourage my colleagues to support their nominations. I thank the president. The presiding officer under the previous order, all postcloture time is c
Not one inch on the serious bipartisan negotiations that will take to solve issues such as immigration and Border Security, healthcare, defense spending, and many other matters , so im glad we can finally get back to work here. Admit that political gainsman ship the past three days have highlighted many of my colleagues commitment to honest and bipartisan work. Id like to particularly thank senator graham, senator collins, senator flake and several democratics who worked tireless ly to bring this impasse to a conclusion. Soon federal operations will be getting back to normal for the American People. We all know what comes next, the challenging negotiations on a host of serious issues. The weeks ahead will require the best for all of us. I hope we can remember some lessons from this regrettable incident. Hostagetaking do not work and they make bipartisan progress harder, not easier to achievement senators must focus on the common good of the American People, not the warped priorities, t
Trending the schumer sellout. Schumer is ultimate loser in all of this. I want to give republicans credit on messaging. Using his this with humanners e is working well. Saying he was funding against the troops and childrens healthcare. Government shutdowns never work with the people pushing for the shutdown. Charles a new yorker article at 4 00 p. M. Said republicans won the shutdown battle but may lose on immigration. Chuck schumer blinked and you have to wonder why he fought this fight in the first place. It was a charade aimed at two groups. The democrats had to cave because they didnt have the leverage and Public Opinion was turning against them. According to the latest Harvard Harris poll, 60 of americans disapproved of a shutdown for daca. The democrats position according to the American People was indefensible. Charles the media kept criticizing the president for in the weighing in. Of course, we dont know we did behind the scenes. The media is not only foiled because the democr
A chair, and end this shutdown. Step back from the brink, stop victimizing personing medium get back to work on their behalf. Impact of Government Shutdown thousands of federal workers are facing furloughs this morning, americas military heroes not paid for the time but still report for duty we will talk about all of that, markets continue climbing into record territory, finish out session on friday, despite the looming shutdown s p, nasdaq closed out fresh highs. Futures this morning, shoring a bit of a pullback dow down 52 s p down 3 1 2 points this morning, one thing we are also seeing in the markets kind of interesting is dollar bouncing back from after it slipped, leading up to shutdown investors focusing on big names this week in terms of earnings season, we will hear from several dow components ge caterpillar united tech first time following tax reform for companies to report, big name this morning halliburton those numbers as soon as they hit the tape, lets look at Global Marke