significance of the error that mr. comey made on the clinton matter. critical answer there. more on that in just a moment. now, as for the president, he wrote about comey on twitter today for the first time in 47 days, an eternity. here is the quote. as it has turned out, jails comey lied and leaked and totally protected hillary clinton. he was the best thing that ever happened to her. joining us tonight from washington, michael crowley, national security editor at politico and ken vogue el, new york times political reporter. two of the very best minds on this story. michael, back to that second bit of sound from a.g. sessions, that excuse for firing comey has long been superseded when the boss told lester holt it was because of russia. yeah. over taken by events. obe, i guess, as people say. and even the original excuse,
the fbi director james comey citing confidentiality in his conversations with the president. but he did offer this answer. specifically, what was your designated role in the decision to fire director comey? it is it s a matter that i can share some information about because the president himself has talked about it and revealed that letter. he asked deputy rosenstein and i make our recommendations in writing. we prepared those recommendations and submitted it to the president. senator feinstein, i don t think it s been fully understood the significance on the error that mr. comey made on the clinton matter. critical answer there. more on that in just a moment.
it s been fully understood the significance on the error that mr. comey made on the clinton matter. critical answer there. more on that in just a moment. here s the quote. as it has turned out, james comey lied and leaked and totally protected hillary clinton. he was the best thing that ever happened to her. joining us tonight from washington, michael crowley national security editor at politico and ken vogel, the new york times political reporter. two of the very best minds on this story. michael, back to that second bit of sound from ag sessions. that excuse for firing comey has long been super seeded when the boss told lester holt it was because of russia. yeah, overtaken by events i
about, because the president, i m sorry, has talked about it and revealed or that letter. he asked that deputy rosenstein and i make our recommendations in writing. we prepared those recommendations and submitted it to the president. senator feinstein, i don t think it s been fully understood that the is thasignificance of the e that mr. comey made in the clinton matter. i don t think i ve heard of a situation in which a major case in which the department of justice prosecutors were involved in an investigation, that the investigative agent announces the closure of the investigation. and then a few weeks before this happened, he was testifying on before the congress, will
what do you think? i m just have you been interviewed by them? no. reporter: but sessions did not answer many questions. particularly about his conversations with trump over the firing of fbi director james comey and whether the president fired him to end the russia probe. did the president ever mention to you his concern about lifting the cloud on the russia investigation? senator fieinstein, that cal for a communication i ve had with the president and i believe it remains confidential. reporter: still, sessions did not hesitate to criticize comey for his handling of the hillary clinton e-mail investigation. i don t think it s been fully understood, the significance of the error that mr. comey made on the clinton matter. reporter: the chairman of the committee chuck grassley said many questions about sessions contacts with russians could be cleared up if the fbi simply