Crime is ridiculous there. That is another reason people do not want to return. Host got you. Thank you and thank everyone that participated in this program today. Dont forget that 10th anniversary public commemoration ceremony that takes place in portlands at 6 00 and in new orleans at 6 00 tonight. You can look at our website for more information on that. Tomorrow will be joined by Michael Bender from bloomberg. Some issues concerning statements or Hillary Clinton and other candidates. That will be discussed tomorrow. We will take a look at the topic of climate change. The president is heading to alaska to speak about the issue. David krueutzer and daniel weiss will be here to talk about that. See you then. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] on this 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, the wall street journal looking get some faces of katrina and where they are today. Fema directo