in other words it means he intends to alter the constitutional rights of you, law abiding citizen was out consulting the legislative branch. if i didn t know better i would think i d been reporting on a story from cuba, north korea, russia. unfortunately this is taking place right here and the democrats have been urging the president to bypass the constitution part of the one section 7 to use the 14th amendment to raise the debt keeling and only today did jay carney seem to back off of the idea with this group, who knows? obama is relying on executive orders to bypass congressional authority. this is what he refers to as we can t wait initiative. as i call it, get republicans the hell out of the way initiative. he s been using this for projects and poll says, now, it made several recess aplt.ments. senate was still in session. no president has attempt that had power grab. he s halted deportation of illegal immigrants. he adopted provisions of the dream act. failed to pass it
0 to look like justin bieber? okay? grooming tips, all rolled into the factor. that s it for us tonight. please check out the site which is different from and my predictions in 2013 and the political world. and spout out tonight, and the final word of the day, not being stultifying. write to the factor. once again, let me know, who your number one choice is as a dinner companion and why. why is very important. and tomorrow night we ll read a bunch of those, read them in the tip of the day segment tomorrow and have plenty of time for them. okay? thanks for watching us tonight. i m bill o reilly, please remember that the spin stops here and we re definitely looking out for you.