this economy growing faster and create more jobs. this morning we learned that our economy added another 140,000 private sector jobs in november. the unemployment rate went down, and despite some strong headwinds this year the american economy has now created in the private sector jobs for the past 21 months in a row. that s nearly three million new jobs in all and more than half a million over the last four months. so we need to keep that growth going. right now that means congress needs to extend the payroll tax cut for working americans for another year. congress needs to renew unemployment insurance for americans who are still out there pounding the pavement, looking for work. failure to take either of these steps would be a significant blow to our economy. it would take money out of the pocket of americans who are most likely to spend it and it would harm small
is that incentive enough? or will that do enough to the economy to help create jobs moving ahead in the next year? no, no. it is far too small although i do believe it will go through. hear is the reality. the president talked about extending unemployment benefits because people are pounding the pavement looking for work. you just mentioned. 315,000 people decided to chill out on the sofa and call it quits, they have given up on the job search. given up on america. given up on their dreams. so there is a double-edged sword. someone on unemployment, two, three, four years, at that point they obviously lose their job skills and lose their desire to work. it is interesting that this payroll tax thing is the number one issue in washington right now. if we re talking about tax cuts, why stop there? why not give all hard-working americans, forget about what economic class they re in, a tax cut, why not give businesses tax cuts? also, you know, the president talked about that 40 billion tha
23 shopping days left until christmas? at any rate, get out there and shop if you have the money. jenna back to you. jenna: pretty good math, jon. we re a couple weeks away right until christmas. you have to go shopping. the november jobs report shows the unemployment rate is dropping but it is also a good reminder so many people are still searching the want ads. one sector of the economy is struggling to find good help, believe it or not. we re talking about manufacturing sector specifically when it comes to skilled labor. this is part of our ongoing series, on the job hunt. mike tobin has the latest edition and he is live for us in chicago. hi, mike. reporter: hi, jenna. by now i m sure you heard some one or more than one person can t find a job because jobs just aren t out there. anyone who tells you that has not been looking to the skilled trades particularly in manufacturing. if you think manufacturing is dead in the u.s., businesses in central illinois could just prove you wron
juncture. when truman went after the know-nothing congress as a democrat, both the senate and congress were republican. in this case the senate is democratic, so i think it ll only go so far for obama. i think the third act that nobody, that wall street journal and new york times didn t mention is he s going to wrap himself around bill and hillary clinton, president obama, meaning the fact that the economy did well, there was a surplus by the time bill clinton left, and al gore didn t want to be seen on a stage with bill clinton. i believe this time around you re going to see bill and hillary clinton working ohio and pennsylvania and other close states very, very hard, and it s going to say let s go back to the clinton economy. jenna: that s really interesting. we haven t heard that directly the way you ve put this, so let s talk more about that. speaking of history, had there been a precedent where a president looking for his second term wraps himself in the reputation of who s now
ask a few 100,000 of the wealthiest americans to pay their fair share and get the economy growing faster than everybody and i think that is unacceptable. jon: well senator joe manchin, a democrat from west virgina joins us along with republican senator mark kirk of illinois. senator manchin, the president blames republicans for the failure of one, there were actually two bills voted on but in fact you voted against it as well, right? well the problem is, everybody seems to be playing the blame game. that is not how you fix things by blaming people. we need reform, simple tax reform. and that would be a fairness to the system. it would be consistent. people would have confidence and we re willing to fix and tackle the big problems. that is all we re asking for. and it goes right back to the bowls simpson plan laid out a year ago. neither the president nor any of our leadership has stepped to the plate to fix the big problems and they keep fooling with social security. that was an atta