Giving a speech that was so average. She said something about the campaign. Donald trump does not know how to campaign, Something Like that. I just beat 15 people, i am beating her. I was clear curious if he would do a class act and not mention my name, or mention it with respect, like say, i would like to congra to conlate my congratulate my republican opponent for doing something that nobody has done in history. And congratulate my opponent for something gotten more votes than anyone in history of Republican Party. Lou well take out trumps winning strategy, talk with Trumps National spokesperson, Katrina Pierson here. And former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee and media mogul steve forbes. A lot to talk about, including that google is in the tank for hillary, caught removing donald trump fromy isy iy Search Engine results. And Hillary Clinton saying super rich are going to start paying their fair share of taxes if she is elected. But her campaign depends on that hedge fund money coul
Giving a speech that was so average. She said something about the campaign. Donald trump does not know how to campaign, Something Like that. I just beat 15 people, i am beating her. I was clear curious if he would do a class act and not mention my name, or mention it with respect, like say, i would like to congra to conlate my congratulate my republican opponent for doing something that nobody has done in history. And congratulate my opponent for something gotten more votes than anyone in history of Republican Party. Lou well take out trumps winning strategy, talk with Trumps National spokesperson, Katrina Pierson here. And former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee and media mogul steve forbes. A lot to talk about, including that google is in the tank for hillary, caught removing donald trump fromy isy iy Search Engine results. And Hillary Clinton saying super rich are going to start paying their fair share of taxes if she is elected. But her campaign depends onthatd wall street journal r