This week founder and chairman of The Climate Reality Project, former US Vice President Al Gore, presented the Alfredo Sirkis Memorial Green Ring Award to Climate Reality Leader Michael Terungwa David
Participants vowed to eliminate single-use plastics, adopt energy-efficient practices, support and engage in city ecosystem restoration, and serve as sustainability ambassadors in our school and community after the event.
On his ninth birthday, Robertus Darren Radyan gave a present to each person who came to his party. Each guest got to take home a light-red flower pot that had a written appeal: “Take care of me. Save the Earth and Go Green!” Born in Jakarta in 2001, Darren discusses his schoolboy “go green” awareness […]
As part of a larger effort to bring arts, culture and youth engagement into climate discussions, the second “Poets for Climate” exhibit was held recently at the University of Makati. The exhibit featured selected poems and artworks depicting how the climate crisis is undoing and transforming the landscapes and places on earth.…