before they voted for trump because under obama-biden, they lost jobs, and now they ve gained that. what are think the democrats haven t figured out yet is that joe biden is the democrat s mitt romney. the republicans were terrified that some tea party extremists was going to be elected. they went with the wishy-washy moderate candidate that really, no one was very energized about him. they just wanted to get rid of barack obama. it s the same thing happening right now. they ve got a wishy-washy moderate, who s running away with her nomination right now. no one is thrilled about him. bret: and yet, on climate change, andrew yang. andrew yang is the only guy out there who said the way to get to our climate issues, we also have to invest in nuclear. i ve read every single one of those climate proposals. he is the only one who mentioned
basically wiped out last november by the camp fire, the most destructive wildfire in california history, the fire which was ignited by powerlines killed 85 people and raised new questions about the impact of climate change on wildfires. let s take a closer look at some of the ambitious goals in sanders plan. it calls for 100% renewable energy by 2030 and full decarbonization by 2050. this is remarkable. we are such a carbon-dependent economy. the idea is that we will not be carbon-dependent by 2050. he says it ll create 20 million jobs across industries to decarbonize the economy. but this is where his plan differs from many other climate proposals. he puts a price tag on it and he lays out a cost it. would cost $16.3 trillion. now, on one hand that makes it the most expensive climate plan from the democratic contenders. on the other hand, we have to
emissions could soar as countries continue to industrialize. many climate proposals, including the green new deal, focus on the west, ignoring this inconvenient truth . now, poor countries won t be able to turn away from fossil fuels unless rich countries help them get access to cleaner, often more expensive forms of energy. leaders have known this for some time, but they have never figured out how to act on it. well, the harvard economistist ken row government offers the world carbon bank. there would be a lot of details to hammer out, but it could help poor countries wean themselves off fossil fuels by funding new technologies and green projects. it would be funded like the world bank, like he said, through bonds backed by rich countries. it could even be partially funded through a carbon tax on rich countries.
this proposal. do you agree with their plan? and just the climate proposals we ve heard in general? i think their plan is a step back. so i think climate is a huge issue. it s been one of the singular issues i ve focused on in the congress. and last congress, i introduced a bipartisan carbon tax bill, to prove that we can actually build the kind of coalition we need to get something big done on climate change. a carbon tax, my bill, has been mod theed to reduce carbon emissions by over 90% and it is bipartisan. all of the great things we ve ever done in this country, if you look back across time is, when we come together with coalitions of people, to get something done. what i will do as president, in my first year in office, is get a large bipartisan carbon tax bill passed in the congress of the united states. and that will be a big step forward on climate. we are running out of time on climate. this is not like other issues. we can t wait to act on it. we have to get something done
e-mail list. this is what politicians do. they jump on the band wagon. she became an all star this week. we ll see if she runs for statewide off at some point. the climate, i felt like the climate stuff got overlooked. president obama left on this big trip right after he rolled out his proposals. you saw a lot of democrats. joe mansion in west virginia. some in ill i ll an some in west virginia coming out against the climate proposals. that was the democrats. not even what the republicans said about it. a mixed week of all but it s been busy. you have that article out on your discussion with nancy pelosi. nancy pelosi, the highest ranking woman in the history of politics made it clear she doesn t want to be the last she. she all but endorsed hillary clinton for 2016. she said the democratic party is coalescing behind hillary