Putting mushrooms on the menu for Earth Month
April is Earth Month and the Mushroom Council® will make the most of these 30 important days to remind diners that researchers consider mushrooms “one of the most sustainably produced foods in the United States
1 find production of a pound of mushrooms requires only 1.8 gallons of water, 1.0 kilowatt hours of energy and generates only .7 pounds of CO2 equivalent emissions. In addition, the annual average yield of mushrooms is 7.1 pounds per square foot, meaning up to 1 million pounds of mushrooms can be produced on just one acre.
To amplify that message to a wider consumer audience hungry for more Earth-friendly eating habits, on April 1, the Mushroom Council is relaunching its website’s sustainability resources with fresh imagery, content and recipes spotlighting and celebrating mushroom production, as well as an analysis of mushroom’s production life cycle and how blending chopped mushrooms with meat can co