our spirit of individualismf ce once and for all. our government spends too muchut money. we learned more about that this week. week. but perhaps more importantly, r they work tirelessly each datay to promote more freedoms awayan and tell us what we can do. w how we can do it, and probablyye most concerning why we should do it. d in other words, they want to our moral compass, our consciencel and our conviction. for most of usf us , this is rey troubling because we already have a fundamental belief system. ental beour sense of right and r was set years of learning and parenting and our experiences and faith. what wperiencee call in the sou, our raisen. we were well raised to have ethics and beliefs we hold, but maybe that s not exactlye fo the case for an increasingly growing segment of our population. easingly gmaybe more and more ar aren t getting necessarily examples traditionally setr motr by their mothers and fathers, making it easier for the state to step in and fill th
article about cheap airline travel is basically a thinp igf the past because of, quote, climate compliance m laws. we hn so this is happening globally. we haven t banned him here.et i in the united states , but wees can certainly see airline prices going up. it sg upt going to be a venue r the rich private jets. they re not going to fact goe t restrictions. you know, maybe maybe that swhai what it is .ch air maybe the rich just want more air space so they can takea off and land when and whereveran they want to . the other worry about thes ey peasants in the business class or have you on commercial jets., but more seriously here,ft you know, the left will tellthat us and this is usually a priority of the left, that health care is human, right? pretty much.ou identity is a human right, isn t moving your body from one place to another. isn t that kind of a humanlutely right? ii mean, it absolutely is . america, we re founded on thatun freedom. questig man. young man. and here s the botto