ADB has launched a Just Transition Support Platform, part of ADB’s commitment to ensuring that the benefits of the shift to low-carbon, resilient economies are shared equally and no individual, community, or region is left behind.
The Asian Development Bank today launched the Asia Clean Blue Skies Program to scale up ADB’s investments in improving air quality in Asia and the Pacific.
ADB has launched a new initiative to provide direct advisory support to help cities across Asia and the Pacific to meet their climate resilience goals while improving their infrastructure and urban services.
Despite advances in the water sector of the Asia and Pacific region in the past two decades, almost 500 million people in the region do not have access to at least basic water supplies, while 1.14 billion lack access to basic sanitation.
ADB launched the world’s first Blue Bond Incubator to support ocean-related projects in Asia and the Pacific, an investment vital for combating the impact of climate change and protecting the livelihoods of people.