Governor Kate Brown signs an executive order with young climate activists on March 10, 2020.
The bitter 2020 legislative session ended without consideration of a major climate bill, so Governor Kate Brown signed an executive order instead. One year later, what has the order accomplished?
Posted: Mar 10, 2021 5:06 PM
Updated: Mar 10, 2021 5:23 PM
Posted By: Jamie Parfitt
SALEM, Ore. Governor Kate Brown on Wednesday marked a year since she signed an executive order that directed state agencies to tackle the issue of climate change after the legislature adjourned early rather than address it.
Oregon s 2020 legislative session saw the return of a cap-and-trade bill meant to address greenhouse gases by penalizing the biggest polluters. In a repeat of the 2019 session, Republican lawmakers walked out to deny a quorum but unlike 2019, Democrats did not agree to give in to the minority party s demands, allowing the session to end in acrimony.