Source: Joe Raedle / Getty Here's a question I've asked again and again and again: Why is it so common for today's Nazis and Klan members to identify politically with the GOP and vice versa? Republicans never pass on an opportunity to pull out their historical Cliff Notes and point out that Democrats approved of slavery and started the KKK, but they're the ones fighting to preserve Confederate memorabilia, constantly having to explain their connections to KKK photos and having to distance themselves from fellow Republicans who have defended both slavery and the Ku Klux Klan. Why can't Republicans stop neo-Nazis from marching on their behalf? Why do arrested white supremacists keep turning out to be Trump supporters? Why can't the GOP seem to escape their ever-present neo-Nazi problem? On Tuesday, North Carolina's State Board of Elections voted unanimously to keep a Republican candidate for the state House on the ballot despite some local Republic
In today’s fast-paced world, students seek to finish their college degree as quickly as possible, often looking to take accelerated courses. Education should not be treated like a race, and with accelerated courses, students miss a richer and more fulfilling education. Vera Lind, an associate professor in the history department, taught HIST 323 – History.