for democrats than we knew on november 6th. in the house, democrats are reclaiming control by a bigger margin than first thought. they now have a majority of 225 seats. republicans have 200. and we re still awaiting the final outcome of ten house races. democrats are leading in seven of those contests. we saw one house race in california flip in their favor before our eyes earlier tonight. the democrats potentially picking up close to 40 seats, which would be their best midterm performance in decades. in the senate, democrats have stemmed losses in some very tight races. they now hold 47 seats. republicans have a majority of 51 seats. two senate contests remain undecided. jake, we re watching some important cliff-hanger races. wolf, once again, right now it s all about florida with two marquee contests on the line as a statewide recount is unfolding this evening. democratic senator bill nelson looking to close the gap in his tight contest with republican rick scott.
undecided. jake, we re watching some important cliff-hanger races. wolf, once again, right now it s all about florida with two marquee contests on the line as a statewide recount is unfolding this evening. democratic senator bill nelson looking to close the gap in his tight contest with republican rick scott. and andrew gillum taking back his concession as votes are recounted in his battle with republican ron desantis. let s go back to john king there at the magic wall. let s take a closer look at what s going on right now because votes are still coming in in california as we speak. yes. earlier tonight we got some changes in some of the races that are still contested. just going to change the map so you can only see the races we re waiting on, all right? just in california, there are five. let me shift it over. we re waiting for ten nationwide. all ten currently republican held seats. you see more opportunity for the democrats to grow what will be the new majority. here are the
also have two democratic counties outstanding right now. is one of the bigger counties, at least compared to some of the other once. he is going to have vote coming in as well. what this 30,000 vote margin, as you scroll around and see, can scott walker find a place to win, even though he is winning handi handily, the short answer is he is in trouble right now. is the race over? clearly it s not. a 30,000 vote margin given what s outstanding right now, scott walker has problems. what triggers a recount? that s a great question. so let s check. in let s take a break and figure it out, because that s another thing. you look at georgia, the governor s race there. races across the country. if they re too close the call, sometimes it s going to result in an automatic recount. sometimes we re going to go to court and they re going to fight for a recount. we ll you through that as we get the developments. right now as we take a quick break week, following all the cliff-hanger races, the
how did we get to this point? there was a sungs made that bet betsy this is the reality of the numbers. rodney davis 9%. 7,000 votes ahead. he is clearly in comfortable position. this is another one of the races democrats thought maybe they could pull into play. but this is also a different part of the state. we ve been talking about chicago suburbs. we ve seen two incumbent republicans on the their way down or already down in 000 that type of area. southern illinois is a different matter. it s a more republican area. rodney davis, when you talk to republicans said he ran a good campaign. he understood early there was going to be a threat. he is considered well liked in the district. he is going to at least this stage in time edge out this victory, even though there is a possible bet londrigan.
trying to keep this in gop hands. she is ahead just barely, a little more than 1%. but she is ahead against kirsten sinema, the democratic candidate in arizona. now let s look at florida. it is incredibly close. the votes are almost all. in rick scott is ahead. we are waiting to see a little bit more because there is florida, we ve had some issues in florida with these races being so incredibly close. so we re waiting to see what happens there. also want to go up north to maine. maine is an interesting state you. mentioned this earlier, chris. angus king, he is the incumbent. he is an independent. he caucuses with the democrats. he is well ahead. but we re waiting the see how the rest of the votes come in tonight, because we have about a quarter of the votes in the state of maine. and that one can get complica complicated, because if they don t meet their threshold amount, then you have the whole kind of cutting off the last one, and you have an automatic