who funneled money to an edwards campaign aide. he recalls a conversation he had with smith asking whether he was aware of those funds. he said yes, john acknowledges that those were for his benefit. it left everyone on a legal cliff hangar as they adjourned over the weekend. martha: what does the defense have on tap? reporter: we expect the defense through cross-examination will ask him to clarify that statement. to clarify whether john acknowledges now, does that mean
they over killed they ripped it apart. there was an indication the savagery of it of the deep hate tried whoever killed him felt for him. if you look at what happened, it didn t collapse they didn t turn on one another. they have taken tripoli. that will be our cliff hangar. there are critical decisions coming up haej. i will take a quick commercial break and we will hear what they are after this the latest live in libya. host: could switching o really save you 15% or more on car insurance? host: do people use smartphones to do dumbhings? man 1: send, that is the weekend. app grapgic: yeah dawg! man 2: allow me to crack.the bubbly! man 1: don t mind if i doozy.
they over killed they ripped it apart. there was an indication the savagery of it of the deep hate tried whoever killed him felt for him. if you look at what happened, it didn t collapse they didn t turn on one another. they have taken tripoli. that will be our cliff hangar. there are critical decisions coming up haej. i will take a quick commercial break and we will hear what they are after this the latest live in libya. [ male announcer ] to the0 rider.
its cliff hangar, they are asking for donations for the hand count because he is putting up money for the people on hair behalf. it most definitely will. they have about 70,000 votes to go through by hand and assign the ones that should go to lisa mur could you si and that they say will go through wednesday. if the unchallenged votes the ones that the miller observers are letting go through if that count is above the miller total, then we are told that miller will concede at that time. gregg: dan springer who only packed an overnight bag when he went out there, thanks. i m going to talk about joe miller s challenge of the counting of write-in ballots. julie: police making a disturbing discovery in the
i think it s probably going to be a very successful, ultimately successful press. remember what i say, we will see what we will see. what a cliff hangar. then there s a letter hand delivered to president trump by a former north korean spy chief. what was in that letter? that letter was a very nice letter. oh, would you like to see what s in that letter? how much? how much? i didn t open theler yet. the the president teases the contents of the letter and later stated he haven t red it. a very big letter, by the way. that is a big letter, look at that. it s huge. the warehouse says the president did eventually read it. all of thattism cos on a day the president trump surprise sidestepped another rule. tweeting at 7:21 this morning.