house. we are going to stay here. there we go, let s have a listen to resident biden. president biden. mundy during the fifth 1944, the evil third reich was devastating the world, nancy germany had subjugated the once free nations of europe through brute force. lies, and twisted ideology of racial superiority. millions ofjew, in the holocaust, millions of others killed by bombs, bullets, bloody warfare. hitler and those with him fought thought democracy was weak and the future belong to dictators. here, on the coast of normandy, the battle between freedom and tyranny would be joined, here, on that morning in june, president emmanuel macron, secretary antony blinken, distinguished guests, most of all, our honoured veterans who met that test, the test of aegis in that moment 80 years ago. 80 years ago today. on behalf of the american people, as commander in chief, the highest honour to salute you in normandy once more. all of you, god love you. applause winston churchill
it s a difficultjob! it does test you. we do cliff counts on our little boat with our binoculars and a clicker. you ve got ground counts, and then at the same time as that, you have the puffin census. go around in a circle and count the burrows that are occupied. so, that puffin has lined their nest with lovely campion, so that one is occupied as well. so it s a lot, but it s. s good, we re excited to get the numbers. can you estimate how long it is going to take to get the numbers back up to what they were? it ll be a while. so a lot of the birds here, the chicks won t breed for four years. climate change and increased storms, like, it is concerning. but as long as we re protecting the birds here and doing what we can while they re breeding, we know that we re doing the best we can to help them. so with avian flu at bay for now, the birds biggest challenge is beating the elements. alison freeman, bbc news. now let s return to our coverage