and all of the lies she told police before she finally decided to confess. jordan graham seen here in happier times instead pleads guilty to second-degree murder for pushing that man, who she had just been married to for eight days off of a cliff at glacier national park. you have to watch as this woman seemed so comfortable lying to the police when she knows perfectly well she murdered her husband. so you walked out, made a call or something. he was in the garage and i got a text saying he was going and he left. it was the story jordan lcin graham told the police to cover her crime, a crime to which she has now pleaded guilty, shoving cody johnson, her husband of only eight days, off a cliff in glacier national park.
off a cliff at glacier national park. how he did it is at question in this trial, pushed or fell? prosecutors are painting a picture of a panicked bride who just wanted out. cody johnson s friends arrived for the third day of his murder trial, their grief still visible and raw. they testified that jordan graham was not a newlywed who accidentally pushed her husband off the cliff but a distraught bride who planned a murder. johnson said he couldn t go golfing because jordan says she has a surprise for me. three witnesses testified the same thing, including steven rutledge, who says his new son-in-law said the same thing to him. jordan downplayed it, saying the surprise was a barbecue with friends. later that day, he plunged to
the surprise was a barbecue with friends but later that night, he was pushed off the cliff at glacier national park. johnson grabbed her, she pushed and he fell to his death, graham claims. prosecutors have a different version. they say graham wanted out of her marriage and plotted to kill her new husband. deputy coroner richard sein testified downstream from johnson s body he found a black cloth. at the cliff, the theory that graham blindfolded her husband, possibly with the black cloth before pushing him in the back with two hands face first to his death. defense attorneys have already begun fighting how this cloth was found, including contamination of evidence. lying to one of the groomsmen, who said in court what she said this summer. she actually changed her story and stated she was at the house when cody left and that she saw him leave in a
cody johnson took off from home in a dark car with washington plates. johnson had been missing for two days. police were searching for him. the reality is, graham knew her new husband of just eight days was already dead at the bottom of a cliff at glacier national park because she watched him fall. the very next day, police videotaped graham again. she went to police because she received an e-mail dated july 10th, three days after her husband s death. the e-mail came from a mysterious friend named tony. it reads, hello, jordan, my name is tony. there is no bother in looking for cody anymore. he is gone. the e-mail claims johnson died during that car trip. detective corey clark knew something was fishy about graham s story. have you had many people lie to you? i don t want to talk about that. reporter: on the stand the detective testified the e-mail traced back to a computer at graham s father s home, a fake
deputy coroner testified today that he did not find a wedding ring or car keys on the husband s body. federal prosecutors say the bride deliberately pushed the groom off the cliff at glacier national park in july. she claims it was all an accident, that she pushed him in self defense during an argument. the prosecutors say the wife initially lied and said the husband had driven off with friends for a late night joy ride. investigators say she changed her story days later after leading park rangers to the husband s body. mel robbins is a trial attorney, editor-in-chief of there are a lot of problems with this not the least of which is this new revolution about the keys and the ring. well, this case reminds me a little bit and people will hate the to hear me say this, but casey anthony because basically we have a situation where, yes, cody is dead, but nobody