In addition to a new building for the Neurological Institute and expansion of the Cole Eye Institute each of which grew substantially in scale since 2019 the Cleveland Clinic also is expanding research capacity.
In addition to a new building for the Neurological Institute and expansion of the Cole Eye Institute each of which grew substantially in scale since 2019 the Cleveland Clinic also is expanding research capacity.
The institute will be built between East 86th and East 90th streets and will require the demolition of three structures, including the former Cleveland Play House building. The Clinic also is undertaking a significant expansion of the Cole Eye Institute.
The Cleveland Clinic is investing $1.3 billion in capital projects, including the construction at the main campus, improvements at Fairview Hospital in Cleveland, an expansion at Weston Hospital in Florida, and the construction of new hospitals in Mentor and London in the United Kingdom, the release said.
There have, over the years, been a lot of efforts to come up with plans that strengthen this region's innovation muscles, but none have quite paid off as hoped or needed. Maybe hope springs eternal, but the latest initiative looks highly promising, in both design and leadership. Plus, we have some thoughts on the planned sale of Nela Park and the planned closure of Eliza Bryant Village's nursing home.